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How to Create Useful Content That Your Customers Want

Content Experience Show Logo
Hosted By

Anna Hrach

Convince & Convert

Apple Podcast Reviews:

It doesn't get any better for content marketers. They present a balanced, insightful discussion of current trends and ask all the right questions. Their guest list is a "Who's Who" of content professionals. Outstanding.

Jared Johnson Piano

I love listening to marketing podcasts and this one is on my must-listen to list. Very knowledgable hosts and topical discussions.

The Marketing Book Podcast

Bogdan Zlatkov, Content Marketing Manager of LinkedIn Learning Solutions, joins the Content Experience Show to discuss using data to create useful content.


Using Data to Create Useful Content

Creating useful content as a business is a must, but it’s virtually impossible if you are creating in a vacuum. You need data to make strategic decisions with your content, but according to Bogdan Zlatkov of LinkedIn (and formerly of AdRoll), many businesses are gathering their data from the wrong place.
We have access to endless sources of data in the form of studies and ebooks, with companies around the world publishing their findings and success stories as their own forms of content. These are certainly useful, but to create truly useful content, the best source of data is your customers!
Bogdan and his team at AdRoll exemplified this idea when they created their Holiday Horrors campaign, digging deep into their own customer data to create content that spoke directly to their customers’ needs and tied into their products. By building off data from your own customers, you can ensure you’re offering relevant solutions to their pain points and demonstrating a commitment to a substantial relationship.

In This Episode

  • How Bogdan’s team at AdRoll responsibly used proprietary data to find trends in the Holiday Horror campaign.
  • Why ebook downloads can be a deceptive metric.
  • How LinkedIn keeps their content and products tied together in a way that benefits the customer.

Quotes From This Episode

“Every single piece of content that we come out with is always correlated to a product, and we actually modify the product so that it enhances the content campaign.” — @BogdanYZ
A good team structure is super important to help you make quality pieces of content. Share on X


Content Experience Lightning Round

What is your favorite food in your favorite city?
While he wouldn’t suggest a specific restaurant, Bogdan’s favorite city is Miami, and he highly recommends getting a Cafe Cubano in Little Havana!
See you next week!

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